Count Onofrio Correale married Ippolita de Rossi, aunt of the famous poet Torquato Tasso, whose original writings are kept in the library of the Correale di Terranova Museum.
Count Onofrio Correale married Ippolita de Rossi, aunt of the famous poet Torquato Tasso, whose original writings are kept in the library of the Correale di Terranova Museum.
Andrea Correale was Bishop of Lettere (NA), his predecessor was Antonio Miroballo.
The Correale wore the colours of Malta.
Casimiro Correale, a great writer and expert on languages, devoted thirty years of his life to write the famous work "Lexicon Hebraico Chaldeo Biblicum", which attracted the admiration of the great European literati of the time, who numbered it among the most important Academies of the old Continent; even Pope Benedict XIV made use of his advice for some controversial points of Sacred Scripture.
At the beginning of 1800, Count Francesco Maria Correale married the noblewoman Maria Clelia Colonna, who gave birth to Alfredo and Pompeo.
Alfredo married Angelica dé Medici of the princes of Ottajano, while his brother Pompeo remained celibate. Both dedicated themselves to art and culture and donated their palace to the city of Sorrento, along with the entire family collection, which consists of precious art objects connected to the history and traditions of the Kingdom of Naples which today constitutes the heritage of the Museum Correale, together with many other private donations that have followed over time.
The museum will be closed to the public from January 6th to March 17th